Electrolysis hair removal refers to the practice of electrically removing hair from the human body. When hair is removed in this way, the effects are almost always permanent. It involves several steps or treatments to be completed, and is done by inserting a needle-like probe into a hair follicle, and passing an electrical current through it. Any areas of the body can have hair removed in this way.
Electrolysis is an effective treatment for both Vellus and Terminal Hair.
Vellus hair is soft, fine, and short. Most women have vellus hair on their chest, back, and face. It can be darker and more noticeable in some women than others, especially those with darker complexions.
Terminal hair is coarser, darker, and longer than vellus hair
The first method of electrolysis was galvanism discovered by a U.S ophthalmologist in 1875 who used it to successfully, permanently remove ingrown eyelashes. The other method of electrolysis is thermolysis which was discovered in France in 1924. The two systems used in conjunction are known as the blend method to date these offer treatments still offer permanent hair removal.
The Blend Method:
A combination of both galvanic and high frequency current
Thermolysis Treatment or Short Wave Diathermy:
The thermolysis treatment uses a high frequency current which destroys the hair follicle by heat. The needle itself does not produce the heat but when the high frequency current comes in contact with living cells within its high frequency field, the cells themselves vibrate at such a high frequency they produce friction which results in heat and this in turn destroys the cells themselves. This works best for light or grey hair that is very fine and usually on the face. A single probe is inserted by hand in to the follicle; each insertion lasts between 1 and 4 seconds.
Multi Needle Galvanic – for stronger hair types:
Electroliysis affects only the individual hair follicle NOT the surrounding skin, the head is directed at the growing area of the hair follicle.
Both methods ultimately achieve the same result. It can be determined on consultation which method will work best for your hair and skin type.
Each case can vary to the individual and must be assessed on consultation. As a general guide from commencement to completion it usually take s 3 months to 2 years, depending on the area being treated and the frequency of treatments.
Hair growth is the result of heredity and hormonal levels. Also, some drugs, temporary methods of hair removal and some illnesses can stimulate hair growth. Usually, hair growth is desirable. But when the hair is the wrong part of your body — a woman’s upper lip or chin or bikini line, for example — you may be considering electrolysis.
Before commencing treatment it is important to understand the concept of regrowth. When is removed from it’s roots, true regrowth can take anything from 6 to 13 weeks. It should be noted that the hair you have removed today is not the same as the hair regrown next week
Since many factors influence hair growth, you will need to return for several electrolysis visits. The total number of sessions needed to remove hair permanently from a particular area will vary from person to person. Most clients return once a week or every other week, as necessary. Regrowth after treatment becomes progressively weaker and finally stops growing.
But the unwanted hair will be gone forever once the series of treatments have been completed. Each treatment lasts between 15 minutes and one hour.
Electrolysis is painful. The truth is, electrolysis usually does not cause much discomfort. Modern electrolysis methods have reduced the discomfort to a mere tingling. A topical anesthetic may be used in some cases.
For each client a brand new sterile probe is used and you will see the individually packed sterile probe opened in front of you.